The Grand Lodge Public Relations Committee
District Public Relations Duties
Elks Media Relations
2750 N. Lakeview Avenue
Chicago, IL 60614-1889
Phone: (773) 755-4892
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Elks – United To Serve Others
District Public Relations Committee
Duties of the District PR Chairperson
2009 – 2010
Within your District, to proactively oversee the gathering and disseminating information with the potential for:
- generating positive publicity and distribution of such information to all appropriate news media in a timely fashion.
- creating an informed and enthusiastic public environment conducive to attracting quality new Member candidates
- overseeing the compilation and distribution (to news media) activities of individual Elks and Subordinate Lodges as may be appropriate
- collecting and distributing (to Subordinate Lodges, the DDGER, State VP and other interested parties) information which may be helpful to the aims of Elkdom
- precipitating partnerships and coalitions with other District Chairpersons
- preventing the publication of anything considered detrimental to Elkdom
Other duties include:
- training of Lodge PR Chairpersons and Officers of Subordinate Lodges, on Public Relations programs and contests
- developing media press releases for Grand Exalted Ruler visits to the District and arranging for media interviews as appropriate with State and Local Public Relations Chairpersons
- submitting articles in State Association newsletters, bulletins, and websites
- assisting other District Committees by facilitating event media coverage
- helping promote Subordinate Lodges with 25th, 50th, and 100th year publicity activities
- advising Lodge Officers and Lodge PR Chairpersons about State Association and Grand Lodge Public Relations initiatives, activities, programs and policies, on an on-going basis
- developing media contacts in all territories within your District
- creating, promoting, implementing, and communicating NEW State Association and Grand Lodge Public Relations programs and activities with Lodge PR Chairpersons and Exalted Rulers
- preparing and publishing a District PR Handbook, Manual or Brochure to be used by the Subordinate Lodges which describes controls and procedures
- maintaining a continuing (forward thinking) 12-month planning calendar to anticipate activities and preclude scheduling conflicts
- sending monthly newsletter and reports to the Subordinate Lodges.
- submitting, to the State Association PR Chairperson, monthly quantifiable reports of District activities; newspaper articles, TV, Radio, Signs, E-mail & Website, Other
- keeping all appropriate persons informed about the availability of Public Relations supplies maintained at Grand Lodge and on-line as well as promoting GL PR Contests
- reminding the DDGER, State VP, and Subordinate Lodges to submit fraternal news items to the national Elks magazine along with published guidelines
- referring ALL GENDER ISSUES to the Grand Lodge Chairman of Advisory Committee. Only that office or the Grand Exalted Ruler may address that subject. Ensure that copies are provided to the DDGER, State VP, GL PR Chairman, PR Committee Sponsor, State Association Sponsor(s), and State Association President as a minimum. TAKE NO OTHER ACTION
- creating or disseminating media releases regarding all DISASTER RELIEF information provided by the GL PR Area Committeeman
- cross-pollinating information and regularly providing assistance to other District Committee Chairpersons, as appropriate
- other program duties communicated by the State Association PR Chairperson … requesting assistance
The Grand Lodge Public Relations Committee
Lodge Public Relations Duties
Elks Media Relations
2750 N. Lakeview Avenue
Chicago, IL 60614-1889
Phone: (773) 755-4892
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Elks – United To Serve Others
Lodge Public Relations Committee
Duties of the Subordinate Lodge PR Chairperson
2009 – 2010
Within your Lodge, to proactively oversee the gathering and disseminating information with the potential for:
- generating positive publicity and distribution of such information to all appropriate news media in a timely fashion.
- creating an informed and enthusiastic public environment conducive to attracting quality new Member candidates
- overseeing the compilation and distribution (to news media) activities of individual Elks and your Lodge as may be appropriate
- collecting and distributing information which may be helpful to the aims of Elkdom
- precipitating partnerships and coalitions with other Lodge Chairpersons
- preventing the publication of anything considered detrimental to Elkdom
Other duties include:
- training of Lodge Members on Public Relations programs and contests
- developing media press releases for Grand Exalted Ruler visits to your Lodge and arranging for media interviews as appropriate
- submitting articles to your Lodge bulletin and website, State Association newsletters, bulletins, and websites
- assisting other Lodge Committees by facilitating event media coverage
- helping promote 25th, 50th, and 100th year Lodge publicity activities
- advising the Lodge Membership about State and Grand Lodge Public Relations initiatives, activities, and programs, on an on-going basis
- developing media contacts in all Lodge territories
- promoting, implementing, and communicating Grand Lodge and State Association Public Relations programs
- preparing and publishing a Lodge PR Handbook, Manual or Brochure which describes controls and procedures
- maintaining a continuing (forward thinking) 12-month planning calendar to anticipate activities and preclude scheduling conflicts
- submitting, to the District PR Chairman, monthly quantifiable reports of Lodge activities; newspaper articles, TV, Radio, Signs, E-mail & Website, Other
- promoting and keeping Lodge Members and Officers informed about Grand Lodge, State Association, and District Public Relations Contests
- reminding Lodge Officers about submitting fraternal news items to the national Elks Magazine along with published guidelines
- referring ALL GENDER ISSUES to the Grand Lodge Chairman of Advisory Committee. Only that office or the Grand Exalted Ruler may address the subject. Copy the Exalted Ruler, DDGER, State VP, State PR Chairman, State Association President, State Sponsor(s), Grand Lodge Area PR Committeeperson, and Grand Lodge PR Chairman.
- creating or disseminating media releases regarding all DISASTER RELIEF information provided by the District PR Chairman, State Association PR Chairman, or GL PR Area Committeeman
- cross-pollinating information and regularly providing assistance to other Lodge Committee Chairpersons, as appropriate
- other program duties communicated by the District PR Chairman … requesting assistance