Danny's Dream
State President Pete Smith would like to thank the following people for making Danny's Dream come true. Dave Rzewnicki who contacted me about trying to make this happen. Dan Erickson, Joe Decenza, Exalted Ruler John Fernandez and the Middlesex Elks Lodge for hosting this great event. Manville/Hillsborough Elks Lodge for providing the Food Cost. Rusty Gerstenmier, PSP, Duke Angermier for arranging the Trike, and George Levelle Sr. from Bayone Legion Riders Post 19 for providing the Trike that Danny rode on. The Middlesex Police Department.and to The NJ Elks MC riders who traveled from around the State to make this wish come true. There were 78 motorcycles and approximately 120 people who attended and participated in spending a great day with Danny making his dream a reality. To watch Danny's Ride click here
On a personal note, writes Dave Rzewnicki. I wanted to say thank you for everybody’s participation. To see the response of the Elkdom community was truly impressive, heartwarming and humbling all at the same time. To have that many people respond on such a short notice for a seemingly short ride was much more than I or anyone else cold have ever dreamed of. To say that Danny and his parents were overwhelmed with the love and support they received on Saturday would be an understatement!
One observation that my wife made which brought a tear to her eye was that just about every person who participated in this event spoke with Danny and shook his hand. The gifts that some people gave him were unexpected and truly above and beyond.
I said it Saturday and I will say to again….This display of Compassion and Brotherly Love is one of the main reasons I became an Elk. I will resolve to seek opportunities to serve others as I witnessed Danny and his family being served that past weekend!
Thanks again for your role in making this happen!
Dave Rzewnicki
Piscataway Lodge 2414