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Our Background

From The Office of the Grand Secretary
Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks
2750 Lakeview Avenue
Chicago, Illinois 60614-1889
Background Information
The Order of Elks is a national fraternal organization with headquarters in Chicago and 2,224 subordinate Lodges in every State, the District of Columbia, Guam, the Philippines, the Canal Zone and Puerto Rico. Membership is limited to citizens of the United States, over twenty-one years of age who believe in God. Currently there are over 1,280,000 members of the Elks. Most Lodges have a ladies auxiliary.
The Elks is essentially a charitable organization. In 1994-95, the Elks nationally spent $4,700,000 for college scholarships for high school seniors. The organization also spent over $6,000,000 for other youth programs, including the Elks Hoop Shoot Free Throw competition involving more than three million youngsters. Total contributions in all Elk charities exceeded $134,000,000.
The following links are to further information on specific programs within the B.P.O. Elks.