Arthur Mayer, Jr., PGER
Arthur Mayer, Jr.
Grand Exalted Ruler 2001-2002
“Elks Make A Difference”
At the Grand Lodge Session in Philadelphia, PA on July 9, 2001, the fourth Grand Exalted Ruler from New Jersey was elected – Arthur Mayer, Jr. from Bergenfield Lodge No. 1477. Little did he know when he joined Bergenfield Lodge in 1965 to play third base for their softball team that he would become Grand Exalted Ruler. To quote RT, “I guess somewhere I managed to hit a homerun when I got hit by Elkdom’s bug.”
“Never doubt for one second that a small group of caring and committed people can change the world.” GER Mayer’s theme for his year was “Elks Make A Difference”. He told the membership that morning that “they have all taken the same obligation and all believe in the same values. We have all stepped forward to help make a difference in our Lodges, our Order, our communities, and our Lives.”
In his closing remarks he asked “What is Elkdom?” “Elkdom is not just what we give; it’s the significance of our giving. Elkdom is not just what we accomplish; it’s the pride and purpose behind it. Elkdom is not just what we say; it’s the message we project. Elkdom is not just the sociability we enjoy; it’s the brotherhood we believe in. Elkdom is truly caring and sharing. Now ask yourself this: “HOW CAN I MAKE A DIFFERENCE?”
New Jersey Elks will never forget PGER Arthur Mayer’s favorite line: “It’s great to be an Elk, but it’s better to be an Elk from New Jersey.”