New Resource for Veterans-Make the Connection!
U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs Make the Connection Campaign
Elks and members of our communities can support Veterans who are experiencing hard times by visiting and sharing, a website that connects Veterans and their families and friends with information, resources, and solutions for living more fulfilling lives.
This approachable online resource links Veterans and their loved ones to hundreds of testimonials by Veterans from every military branch, service era, and demographic group as well as their family members—all sharing their stories of overcoming challenges by seeking support. The site also provides a locator for Veterans’ resources across the country and reliable information about mental health and resilience, conditions, signs and symptoms, and life events, such asphysical injury and retirement and aging.
Visit to explore the site and download print materials to distribute. You can also visit the Make the Connection YouTube channel, “like” the Make the Connection Facebookpage, and share their content with your friends to promote the message: Support is available and treatment works.