Meet Todd Thompson, Camp Moore Director...


Todd Thompson is the new Director of New Jersey Elks' Camp Moore.  He graduated from college with a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration degree and holds a variety of certifications including First Aid/CPR/AED Instructor from the American Red Cross, Crisis Management Instructor, and an American Camp Association accreditation.

His goal is to continue to provide our consumers, their families, and our communities with opportunities that promote self-improvement, decision-making and growth and is dedicated to supporting Camp Moore's goal of "putting a smile on the face of a person with special needs."

He has fifteen years of experience in developing educational, recreational and therapeutic programs, activities, and respite for both children and adults with special needs.    He is eager to start this new season at Camp Moore and welcomes the opportunity to meet with everyone to answer any questions or concerns you may have.  You can contact Todd by emailing him at:  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or you can call him at:  (609) 651-6209 or the summer phone number at camp is (973) 835-1542.