1940 JosephBuch 1

Joseph G. Buch, PGER

Grand Exalted Ruler 1940-1941

Founder of the Handicapped Children's Committee

Joseph Buch was the first Grand Exalted Ruler from our State, having served as NJSEA President 1922-1923.   He was a member of Trenton Lodge No. 105.  PGER Buch’s legacy to our State Association was being the founder of the Special Children’s Committee.  He preached a mantra of “helping special needs children to help themselves.”  In all his visits to the New Jersey Lodges during his Presidency he said:  “A Fraternal Order can live and grow only through service.  This is offered us in the work for our special children.  From my own limited connection with it I can assure that by reclaiming these children and making them happy, the hearts of us all will be softened.”  In addition to the various commissions he served in the State of New Jersey, PGER Buch was a member of President Hoover’s White House Conference on child health protection.  

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