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Visit the NJ Elks Camp Moore Website
At a hotel in Trenton a committee to address our Special Needs Children was founded with the purpose of establishing such activities and programs that would bring light, sunshine and happiness into the lives and hearts of the afflicted. For more than 50 years, a committee throughout the State of New Jersey, known as the “Special Children’s Committee”, continues to work with compassion and dedication to service programs that we provide for Special Needs Children and Adults. Our Ambassador Programs allows children under the age of 18 to interact socially and encourage them to attain their full potential. These children will have the opportunity to partake in many lodge events and the various programs we provide. The Scholarship Program provides special needs students to attend a college of their choice to help enrich their education and the opportunity to pursue their career. A 4 year scholarship awarded to a First Place male and female, in the amount of $10,000 ($2,500 a year) over a 4 year period. We also award a 4 year scholarship to a Second Place male and female, in the amount of $4,000 ($1,000 a year) over a 4 year period. Challenger Sports Program enables our Special Needs Children and Adults to participate in our Batters Up Competition. We have Elk lodges throughout our 12 districts that raise funds to helpprovide for our Special Needs Children and their families throughout New Jersey. Our State Major Project – Elks Camp Moore, is where it all happens and brings smiles to the faces of our Special Children.
Please use the following e-mail addresses for more information:
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Director Elks Camp MooreTodd Thompson
ECM Emergency Contact Phone Numbers
Winter: 609-651-6209
Summer: 973-835-1542
I’m Glad Somebody Helps
We, as Elks, have continually taken a great deal of pride in talking about our Special Children’s Committee’s works. However deeds are always better than words therefore we must practice what we preach. We can do this best by seeing to it that any handicapped child needing help in any community in our state is cared for by the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks. Our aim is to help them become self-sustaining and useful citizens so that in the future they may enjoy a happy and normal life.
Our work means sacrifices of time, patience, understanding, love of neighbor, and a deep respect of our beloved Order. Surely, if each one would keep those thoughts in mind and continually strive to improve the work we have been doing, then it is reasonable to assume that special needs children will continue to utter the words of our beautiful slogan: "I’m glad somebody cares."
The Elk Lodges of New Jersey provide advice and assistance for the caring of Special Needs Children of every race, color, and creed. Scholarships are awarded to Special Needs high school seniors. Each year the Elks select four Special Ambassadors and four Alternate Ambassadors, each representing an Area of our State. They are honored at Lodge, District and State events. The Elks maintain clinics, hiring competent nurses, therapists, pediatricians, psychologists, teachers, etc. to help restore children with disabilities. Equipment, such as crutches, wheelchairs, walkers, hospital beds, etc. are furnished. Elk's Camp Moore provides Special Needs Children outdoor camping experience that would otherwise not be available.
Click here for more information for Elks Camp Moore